Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs
The much awaited iOS 4.1 has been released by Apple for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch. As you already know, iOS 4.1 for iPod Touch 4G was already released, even before the device hit the market. iOS 4.1 adds many exciting features, including Game Center, HDR photography for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4 with front facing camera, HD video recording and uploading to YouTube, and so on.
- Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs Plus
- Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs 7
- Download Ios 6 For Iphone 3gs
- Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs Plus
Now I got an old iPhone 3GS, iTunes lets me download GarageBand without costs. (I am using another computer). However when I install it (synch with iPhone), iTunes says the app is for iOS 7 (but for sure iPhone 3GS supports iOS 6.1 at max). Download iOS 7 Final IPSW. To Download iOS 7 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, as well as any other beta release can only done if you have an Apple developer account. If you are a developer, then download the iOS 7 beta 3 from Apple’s Dev Center. If you are not a developer, download Apple iOS 7 from our downloads page here. Oct 25, 2010 - Here's the direct download links for all of the iPhone IPSW firmware files from version 3.0.0 on up through 6.1.0 for iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4, 4S, or 5. IOS 7 IPSW Direct Download Links.
A Note For Jailbreakers And Unlockers
Stay away from iOS 4.1 until a working jailbreak is released. The PDF exploit that was used to jailbreak iOS 4.0.1has been fixed in iOS 4.0.2, so JailbreakMe will not work.There is a possibility of jailbreaking with Redsn0w on iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G or PwnageTool on iPhone 3GS, but wait for confirmation before you go ahead. Stay tuned as we give more updates on this. You can subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Even if you go ahead with the iOS 4.1 update, make sure you save your SHSH blobs, for a later downgrading. For the rest of you, you can download iOS 4.1 if you cannot wait for those awfully attractive new features on your iPhone 4. In order to update your firmware, connect your iDevice to your Computer via USB. Run iTunes (download link below), which will prompt you to Download and Install the latest firmware.
iOS 4.1 For iPhone

Download iOS 4.1 For iPhone 4 (iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
Download iOS 4.1 For iPhone 3GS (iPhone2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
Download iOS 4.1 For iPhone 3G (iPhone1,2_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
iOS 4.1 For iPod Touch
Download iOS 4.1 For iPod Touch 4G (iPod4,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
Download iOS 4.1 For iPod Touch 3G (iPod3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
Download iOS 4.1 For iPod Touch 2G (iPod2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw)
iOS 4.1 For Apple TV 2G
Download iOS 4.1 for Apple TV 2G (AppleTV2,1_4.1_8M89_Restore.ipsw)
iTunes 10

Download iTunes 10 For Windows, Mac OSX
Update 1 – Jailbreak iOS 4.1
Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs Plus
You can now jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G, and iPad 3.2.2 using either GreenPois0n or Limera1n. Both these tools are based on Geohot’s Limera1n exploit. A sudden turn of events has resulted in the Chronic Dev Team postponing the SHAtter exploit which was already shown to jailbreak iPod Touch 4G and Apple TV 2G for future devices.
Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS
Jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS on iOS 4.1 using GreenPois0n
Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS iOS 4.1 using Limea1n
Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, iTouch 3G
Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G using GreenPois0n
Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G using Limera1n
Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2
Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2 using GreenPois0n
Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2 using Limera1n
Update 2 – Unlock iOS 4.1 iPhone 4 After GreenPois0n/Limera1n Jailbreak
iPhone 4 users can update to iOS 4.1 without upgrading baseband, and then unlock iPhone 4 using Ultrasn0w.

iPhone 3GS users however should use PwnageTool to jailbreak in case they want to preserve unlock. Jailbreaking with GreenPois0n or Limera1n needs updating to iOS 4.1, which will result in upgrading baseband, eventually loss of unlock.
Update 3 – Unlock For Baseband 05.14.02, 2.10.04
A good news for all iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS users. As you are aware, the current version of Ultrasn0w cannot unlock the new basebands, 05.14.02 and 2.10.04.
Many of our readers ask us in comments when a new unlock is going to be available.Well, the answer is ‘Pretty Soon1′!
iPhone hacker Sherif Hashim has confirmed that he has an unlock for iPhone 4 and 3GS basebands 05.14.02 and 2.10.04 and may be releasing it soon after iOS 4.2 release.
I am unable to download iOS 7 on my iPhone 3Gs. Why? I have iOS 6.1.6 and if I want to download 'Find My iPhone', it requires iOS 7. I've tried to search on what else I can do, but cannot figure it out. I also have about 10 GB of free memory out of 13 GB.
4 Answers
You cannot download it because iOS 7 is not supported on any iPhone model prior to the iPhone 4. The latest version of iOS that will run on the 3Gs is iOS 6.1.6 -- which you have.
Here's a fantastic compatibility chart for iOS 7:
Note the complete absence of the iPhone 3G and 3GS models.
If you purchase an app (free in this case) before the app is upgraded to require the next OS version, you can get the latest compatible version for your device.
That sounds a bit awkward, so here's an example:
Download Ios7 For Iphone 3gs 7
I have a 4th-gen iPod. It runs up to iOS 6.x. At one point I installed various Apple apps like Find My Phone/Friends.
I recently wiped it and set it up for wifey to use. She had, naturally, no apps in her new account so she cannot install Find My Friends.
I used my iTunes account to install Find My Friends and was able to get the last compatible version for my/her device. It will likely work until the server is updated and stops supporting older versions.
Apple has a work around for older devices.
Download the latest app to your computer with iTunes.
Download Ios 6 For Iphone 3gs
Then log into the store with your device and select purchased.
Find the app(s) for iOS7 you downloaded to iTunes and then select install. If an older version (i.e. iOS6) is available it will download.
I have recently bought an iPhone 5 from Tmobile and before that I had a 3gs. The 5 wasn't working properly, so I took it back to Tmobile to get my 3gs back again. The man at the counter transferred everything to my old iPhone, and along with it, came iOS 7. I'm writing this to say it can be done, but with a lot of hassle, a waste of money, and a lot of stupidity.
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